Just about every organization has high maintenance employees. You know them as employees who require special levels of attention and time.
They like to debate every assignment or instruction. They blame others for their mistakes. They fail to meet their objectives. You want to sigh when they are headed in your direction!
Involvement in the coaching process enables a downward spiral to be corrected prior to free fall. Coaching can also provide enhancement for even the most effective styles.
A number of things can make an employee high maintenance.
The high-maintenance employee is likely to think that negative attention is better than no attention.
High-maintenance employees are a “direct hit” to the bottom line of a business. Each one can cost your organization from $20,000 to $100,000 or more in lost productivity, disruption, turnover, and employee dissatisfaction.
Futures can help you turn high maintenance employees into productive team members. Futures utilizes a proven action strategy that has worked in hundreds of organizations.
Contact Futures Consulting to discuss how we can transform your high maintenance employees or call at 214.557.6555.