Innovation Strategy Consulting
Boost Innovation
Expand Your Possibilities by Transforming Your Perspective
Welcome to the age of transformation, a time characterized by rapid change, increasing connectivity and, for those not able to embrace it, a growing sense of dislocation – if not panic. Yet, as with all radical transformations, the current massive paradigm shift – which includes everything from the gig economy to working remotely to artificial intelligence – also presents a wealth of opportunities and expanded possibilities.
As even the biggest brands are constantly challenged in their efforts to stay ahead of the curve, it’s more important than ever for businesses of all types and sizes to foster a culture of innovation. With more than 30 years’ experience helping companies radically transform their outlook and operations, O’Neill Enterprises has the knowledge, insight and (yes) passion required to teach you a better way to do things.

By bringing an outside perspective to your organization, we can quickly identify problem areas and suggest ways to improve them. We can help make sure you hire the right people, construct a business strategy that prioritizes innovation, ensure that new ideas get heard, and work with you to identify potential new products and new markets.

Redefine the Way You Provide Services to Create New Opportunities
Unlike innovations in product manufacturing, radical transformations in the delivery of a service often require a total rethinking of basic assumptions.
There is a deep-seated predisposition to believe that there’s only one way to provide a specific service and that clients will be thrown for a loop by anything that diverges from their expectations. Yet in industries ranging from health care to financial services to consumer goods, innovations in service delivery are producing new revenue streams for businesses by redefining the ways in which they meet their customers’ needs.
By focusing on the “job” the service is doing rather than the service itself, using customer “outcomes” as a measure of success, and examining the entire process to find new opportunities, businesses can create innovative services that truly differentiate them from the competition. Just because something has always been done a certain way in the past doesn’t mean it should be done that way in the future. Barriers are for breaking!

Break Through to Greater Efficiency and Improved ROI
In the case of innovation in product development, it can be extremely difficult for clients to understand exactly how to implement change. Where product lifecycles used to be fairly straightforward, advances in technology have not only sped up the process, but created a more complex configuration of partners, manufacturers suppliers and customers.
The whole thing can begin to seem more than a little daunting to a business owner looking to improve efficiency and boost ROI.
By taking a transformational approach to the product development process, O’Neill Enterprises helps companies more easily see the big picture and devise long-term strategies that take into account a rapidly changing business landscape. With a holistic focus that integrates people, process, data and systems, we help clients break through traditional models and transform their capabilities in order to drive growth, increase efficiency, and thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Set Your Imagination Free to Discover the Best Ways Forward
By redefining problems and working through them in a methodical manner, you can escape the restraints of traditional thinking and free yourself to explore a new world of possibilities.
Obstacles and challenges are an inevitable part of work (and life!), and dealing with them can be both difficult and stressful. However, there are techniques that, once mastered, allow you to approach problems in a more imaginative way and more easily devise innovative solutions that work. This is the magic of creative problem solving.
The key to successful creative problem solving is finding the right balance between “divergent” thinking (brainstorming) and “convergent” thinking (evaluation). Judging ideas too quickly can shut down the creative process prematurely and prevent a potentially great idea from being expressed. That’s why it’s essential for everyone – from executives to those just starting out in their careers – to learn to communicate in a way that encourages the free exchange of information. Good creative problem solving fosters effective teamwork, allowing organizations to work productively toward the best solutions, which in turn leads to better products and services, greater efficiency, and a happier workplace.